Why Use Us?

For over 25 years Carringtons have assisted licensees in the running of their Business and firmly believe that if a licensee has the right systems in place , has carefully planned a strategy and has available the best advisors success can be more easily achieved.

Whilst all professional accountants will prepare VAT returns, MGD returns, Annual accounts, Tax returns and Payroll we go much further in order to support you and your business.

We will spend time at the outset to show you the easiest and most time efficient way of keeping records …....giving you more time to do the things you need to do.

We can prepare a detailed Business plan and help you with a marketing and business development strategy.

If it’s a new business start or even if you have been running the business for some time we always work out a ‘breakeven’ for you, that way you can call on us for help in the first instance because you have identified that you have a problem.

We don’t wait until the year end to prepare accounts, we will prepare either monthly or quarterly management reports to suit you and visit you with them to discuss how to make the business more successful.

Payslips are just a phone call or email away…....... no fuss we just get the job done!

It’s the advice and support that makes us the leading firm of licensed trade accountants and the preferred choice with licensees. You will have a dedicated Business Advisor who will help you all the way throughout the year from showing you how to do ‘the books’ to giving the best tax advice. Just call his mobile to arrange a visit. In conjunction with the Advisor you will also have dedicated accounts staff at the office who over the period of dealing with you will understand you and your business.

Our highly qualified staff are available to assist with any problem you may face in your career as a licensee however if you choose Carringtons the problems can be few and far between.

Call now on 01274 393131 for a free initial visit by one of our professional advisors.